pp108 : Creating an XML

Creating an XML

This topic describes the procedure to create an XML.

Creating an XML helps you to bundle XML content with the application that you are building. All you need is to create the document using the XML structure that you have and save it with .xml extension. The interface supports both writing the XML structure or copying and pasting a predefined XML structure from an external source. However, ensure that the file name with which you save the document ends with .xml extension. You can create an XML file at the project level or in a folder within the project. If you create an XML file within a folder, you can set Qualified Name (QN) on that folder to exclusively publish its contents to XML Store.

  1. Select a starting point and click to open the XML editor.
  2. Type the xml content in the provided space and click .

    CAUTION:Ensure that the XML is valid. Otherwise it may not work as expected.

    The Save Document dialog box appears.
  3. Provide the Name and Description, and click to browse and select the location to save the XML file. The folder path where the XML will be created appears in the Save in Folder field.
  4. Click Save. The Save Document dialog box closes.
  5. Close the XML window.

    The XML is created with the provided name and is stored at the selected location.

After you complete this task:
Create an XML Store Definition that bundles the XML in a suitable format so that it can be packaged with the application and deployed to be used at run time. It can then be viewed using the XML Store Explorer.

Related tasks

Creating an XML Store Definition
Setting Access Control on XML Store Definition